Latest Lottery News

$24 Million Birthday Present from Mega Millions Lottery

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mega Millions Winner ChequeEquipped with a locked safe a 49-year-old woman came to a Mega Millions office on Monday, the 15th of September, to claim her $24 Million Birthday prize. She was happy to share her story.

She went to the store to buy a $5 Quick Pick ticket. After running the playslip through the terminal she told the clerk to give her another one. “I just had a feeling that second ticket wound up being the winner”, she explained to the  Mega Millions Lottery officials.

As she woke up on the morning of her birthday and heard the news about the winning ticket being sold at Carroll Station she suddenly realised it was her. She checked the winning numbers in a newspaper to finally discover that her wishes came true and she did become a lottery winner.

The winner plans to spend her prize to buy a house and a 2009 Lexus truck.

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